Peaceful Dying Project


The Peaceful Dying Project :
Honoring the Sacred Passage

In traditional cultures, death was honored as part of life. The elderly were given respect and care by the younger generations, and death itself was a sacred passage to the realm of the ancestors. For those left behind, grieving was recognized as an essential part of the death process, allowing the honoring and letting go of the life that was and cleansing the way for new life to come.

Modern culture has lost touch with this ancient wisdom. Fear, guilt, denial and confusion abound. This disconnection has led to alienation and tremendous suffering for those facing death as well as for those struggling to deal with the loss of loved ones.

Prema Sheerin leads the Death and Dying council for the Sacred Fire Community. This community offering serves to address our sense of disconnection from Death and helps us to honor it as both a natural part of life and a sacred doorway.

Join Prema for this two-day experiential workshop, including discussion, contemplation, ritual and prayer, in which you will:

  • Experience a safe container in which to contemplate and share with others this potent subject that we don’t normally get to talk about.

  • Explore how death can be a profound teacher for what is important in life.

  • Experience how to be with the potent emotions that arise in response to death – our own and others.

  • Learn how to communicate and be with someone who is facing their death.

  • Find out about Funerary Rites and how they can support and guide you or your loved ones’ soul to find it’s way back to it’s ancestral home after you die.

The Peaceful Dying Project :
Creating the Circumstances for a Peaceful Death

What is your relationship with death?  What would you need in order to have a peaceful death?

Creating a relationship with death, and being willing to attend to the details of how you die, is a vital part of being fully engaged with life.  So many of us put off attending to important aspects of this transition because we are in denial that death might come at any time.  And yet a peaceful death is in the details.  Just as in going on a journey, there are certain things that need to be in place in order for you to truly relax and be present, so it is with the journey of death.  And knowing that these things are taken care of also allows us to be more relaxed and present in the journey of life.

What if most of the work of attending to these details was done for you?  What if you had the opportunity to just show up to a class and be walked, step-by-step, through taking care of all the practical aspects of each phase of the journey of death – before, during and after?

The Sacred Fire Community (SFC) Lifeways Death and Dying council will be offering a class to support us all to delve into this with ease and to create the circumstances for a peaceful death.  In order to make the class very accessible and affordable, it will be offered as a 4-part teleclass, on four consecutive Mondays beginning in January. That means you can just call in to the class from wherever you are.

In joining us for this class you will:

  • Experience a safe container in which we can share and talk with others about this potent subject that we don’t normally get to explore.

  • Receive a Peaceful Death Project Workbook and be walked, step-by-step, through the process of attending to all the elements and practical details that support a peaceful death – before, during and after – for you and your loved ones.  This includes creating an Advanced Directive or Living Will, appointing a Health Care Power of Attorney, expressing our wishes for Funerary Rites, Funeral, Burial and Will.  By the end of the class you will have a package of forms filled out and ready to take to a notary public or your lawyer for final approval.

  • Find out about the Funerary Rites that are available through the SFC and how they can support and guide you or your loved ones’ soul to find its way back to its ancestral home after you die.

Click here to find out when and where the next program will be offered