“Being coached by Prema is like being held in a deep cocoon of awareness… awareness of possibilities and potential, obstacles and impediments, patterns of mind and emotion. All held with great compassion and acceptance. Nurtured by this, I have undergone BIG changes in my life. Transformations coming steadily, gently, through the tending and nourishment of this space. Always, at every turn, honouring who I am, and celebrating and acknowledging every single step. Prema’s been my touchstone and my champion.”
Karen P., Writer
I love to create a safe and loving space of awareness that supports you to go on a journey of discover and to take responsibility for the reality you are experiencing. Together we explore the distinction between the knowing of the heart and the agenda of the mind. We develop your relationship with the mind as a helpful ally in service to the vision of the heart. We explore the experience of your emotions as a source of wisdom, guidance and effective action. We build on your ability to be in respectful relationship with yourself, with others and with the world around you. This process shifts old thought patterns and trapped feelings and allows for powerful shifts in awareness and perspective. It is transformative, healing and empowering. In this way you begin to attract the circumstances you long for rather than chasing after them. It aligns your dreams with the dream of the Divine and allows them to unfold with mystery and integrity.

Listen to the knowing of the Heart
Instinctively we humans know that the heart is a source of deep intuitive knowledge about how to envision and respond to life. Yet, while our deeper instincts and our popular culture tell us to “listen to your heart”, there is a powerful and long-standing bias in our western culture towards the superiority of the mind in making the decisions that determine our lives. Most of us have never been taught how to listen to the deeper knowing of the heart. Now is the time to learn the language of the heart, to listen to its wisdom and to feel the courage it provides to take the next step.
“Reassuring. Empowering. Instinctive. I can rely on Prema to be these things. She is consistently able to bring clarity to my experience and help me find ways to strengthen myself. Prema offers absolute openness and wisdom. She has a unique spiritual perspective on life that I find very helpful for developing greater clarity and a sense of meaning. I enjoy the sessions because they are always – yes always – unexpected. There are no rules, except a commitment to being truthful. I love that – it is fun and it is effective and it is a genuine blessing.”
Jacqueline Murphy, Writer

Love and respect who you really are
Our life and our relationships are transformed when we live from the experience of love and respect for our essential, divine nature. So many of us are driven by the urge to prove to ourselves and others that we are really okay, whilst secretly harboring a sense of being fundamentally flawed. Of course, we are flawed. And yet there is an essential, divine perfection that is the ground of our being. When we identify with and respect this essential being, we move from a place of acceptance and confidence. We can accept our mistakes as a necessary part of our learning and transformation, rather than an inherent defect. And we can move ahead with confidence in our innate goodness and in our unique gifts.
“I was not even aware of the self-disgust that I carried when I began to work with Prema. But it has been transformed into a foundation of respect for myself and I cannot begin to express what a difference it has made in all areas of my life”
Jenna Long, Hair Stylist

Feel the wisdom of your emotions
Our feelings are a profound source of guidance about how to respond effectively to the situations that life presents. However, in our culture we are taught to label certain emotions “positive” and others “negative” and we learn to subdue uncomfortable feelings or distract ourselves from them. This is the source of much of our depression, suffering and inappropriate behavior. Our feelings become confusing or mystifying to us. Feeling our emotions and expressing them in a balanced way is an essential part of a healthy life. Our emotions are an integral part of the way we listen to the world and allow ourselves to be guided by the Divine. As you explore the inherent wisdom of your emotions you transform blocked feelings, release entrenched patterns and experience your emotions as a powerful source of intelligence, guidance and effective action.
“In my work with Prema I've made some amazing changes with regard to….more creative work and following my passion. But the truly amazing thing to me is that, at the same time, this process has helped my heart to open in a way that at one time I truly thought was impossible. It's expanded my life in ways I never expected. I'm incredibly grateful that I found Prema to work with - her ability to connect and her insight are true gifts.”
Ellen T., Environmental Specialist, Photographer

Experience the joy of connection, clarity and respect in your relationships
As human beings we are social beings. We are hard-wired to get our needs met more effectively through relationship and community than individually. At the same time, having effective, loving, respectful relationships continue to be one of the biggest challenges for us. We are generally given very little guidance in gaining the skills we need to communicate successfully. Expressing our needs, feelings and perspectives clearly, listening to others, setting healthy boundaries, honoring commitments, establishing and maintaining trust, navigating conflict and exploring the depths of intimacy are all important skills to learn. In this way we can establish and maintain healthy and respectful relationships that give rise to joy, love, inspiration and a sense of connection and belonging.
“My relationships were a mess! Especially the ones I cared about. I had so much fear and anger that would seep out. Working with Prema I’ve leaned how to express myself and to listen in a way I never could. It’s made such a difference!”
Angela Hope, Consultant

Make your mind your friend
As humans we have this powerful, creative tool that is our mind and it has become evermore valued in our Western culture. But at what cost? Our mind serves the vital functions of separating, evaluating, interpreting, planning, predicting and creating so that we can function effectively and survive. Yet these very same qualities of the mind that are so useful, also cause us enormous isolation and suffering when they become over-emphasized. When our mind becomes un-tethered from the guiding presence of the heart, our decisions and responses are based on concerns of safety and comfort. Our ego-mind fears the sometimes challenging and mysterious directions in which the heart calls us as we undergo the learning and transformation we need to fulfill our purpose. But when the mind is entrained to the vision and guidance of the heart it becomes a powerful ally and faithful friend.
“…. everything I have worked on with Prema has born fruit, from the esoteric to the absolutely specific and mundane. It is not always easy - her style is "cut to the chase" - but it is transformative. There is a gentle, persistent "herding" to the essential heart of the matter. Prema is deeply intuitive, wise and lined up with goodness. Her courage and unspoken fearlessness is something that lends heart to my own struggles along the way.”
Dr Margaret Allan MSW, PsyD

Align your dreams with the dream of the Divine
Most of us have dreams we want to manifest. But how often do we pause and ask ourselves ‘from where do these dreams arise?’ Are they arising from the authentic wisdom and calling of the heart or from the desires of the ego-mind? Some of our “dreams” are simply desires, born of a sense of separation or lack, which will never create fulfillment even if they are realized. How do we know if our dreams are in alignment with the knowing of our heart and with our true purpose in life? It is in revealing and manifesting the authentic vision of the heart, which is naturally in alignment with the Divine, that we experience the true fulfillment and joy we long for.
“It has made such a difference to have Prema in my life. Her coaching is highly skilled and deeply intuitive and it has ultimately made me self-sufficient. And it is so much fun to work with her!! I didn’t realize that attaining my goals could be so joyful! I would say to someone considering working with Prema, “go for it, you deserve it, and it is so worth it!”
Catherine Parrish, President of NextLevel Consulting
I work in person for coaching and healing but a majority of my coaching is done over the phone with people all over the world. We do an initial discovery session to explore where you are and where you would like to be and then set up further sessions as needed. I offer packages of 3 sessions at a time (recommended), though single sessions are also available. I am happy to have a conversation with you in which you can ask any questions you have and let me know what’s going on for you so we can both see if the fit is right.