You have been registered for the Peaceful Dying Project: Honoring the Sacred Passage, which will be held in Los Angeles, California on April 14th & April 15th, 2012.
Thank you!
The Way of Transition – Being Human in times of great Change
We live in a time of great change and uncertainty. The turbulence of a warming climate, the polarity of our social structure, the unravelling of the fabric of community that ties us together. All this can lead us to a sense of overwhelm, anxiety, frustration or grief. What resources can we call on to be with the inevitable changes and challenges of our times?
As the cycles of the seasons show us, change and transition are an inevitable and necessary part of life. For millennia the indigenous peoples and wisdom traditions of the world have had the guidance of their elders and sacred rituals to support their peoples through the cycles, life passages and radical transformations of life. These traditions all teach one fundamental truth: that our heart is the portal connecting us to the Divine; that it is the source of our wisdom and the compass by which we can navigate the inexorable tides of change. As modern people we have lost touch with our rituals and forgotten how to listen to the guidance of our heart.
The Sacred Fire Communities Transitions program returns us to our own heart-knowing and provide supportive life-skills enhancing our capacity to flow with change and to align with Divine movement.
In this 2-day experiential journey you will have the opportunity to:
When we respond to change in this way we make peace with the uncertainty of life, we open to the rich possibilities that each phase provides and we move into alignment with the Divine.
“What a great thing it was so to do the “Transitions” workshop! I remember saying to a fiend at the end how I didn’t really know if anything had happened even though I totally loved being there. I think it was only a week later that my father died. My friend said to me then: ‘do you still think nothing happened at the transitions workshop?’ I want to thank you for the magical and powerful nature of your work. It totally prepared me for what was to come – I was able to really throw myself into the process and the practices. What a gift. What a mystery!”
Jacqueline Murphy
“Prema Sheerin is a woman of wisdom. Her program is beautifully balanced with humor, wide scholarship, profound meditations, joyful movement, and deep heart. She brings a capacity for listening deeply, even between the words spoken, and responds from a place of carefully tended intuition. In her program she holds a place for healing to occur at many levels. This workshop is an invaluable exploration of life’s transitions and I recommend it most highly.
Sherry Boatright
Check the “Upcoming” page for the next programs offered or click here if you would like to explore bringing this program to your area
Emotional Wisdom
Get unstuck, flow with change and experience the Divine guidance of your feelings
Would you like your emotions to be a source of guidance rather than confusion?
Our feelings offer us a whole other realm of intelligence and guidance about how to respond effectively to life. However, in our culture we are taught to label certain emotions “positive” and others “negative” and we learn to subdue uncomfortable feelings or distract ourselves from them. If we are not happy we can feel that we are failing. This is the source of much of our depression, addiction, stress and illness. Feeling our emotions and expressing them in a balanced way is an essential part of a healthy life. Our emotions are an integral part of the way we listen to the world and allow ourselves to be guided, both by our cherished values, and by the Divine.
“This workshop was deeply transforming for….my life and my relationships….The tools and knowing (Prema) provides are timeless and effective life gifts that change and grow as you do.”
Join Prema Sheerin for this experiential journey in which you will:
“Prema is a masterful teacher and an extraordinary human being. She lovingly delivers deep wisdom with gentle humor – and a backbone when needed. This workshop was deeply transforming for me….In fact, I have taken it twice, and will again if ever I get the chance. The tools and knowing she provides are timeless and effective life gifts that change and grow as you do. Thank you Prema, for bringing your powerful work to the world at a time when it is so needed.”
Andi Tilmann
“This workshop has been one of the most useful I have experienced. The simple techniques Prema shared with us are invaluable tools….Prema is a wealth of wisdom and she imparts that wisdom and insight in such a clear and comprehensive manner. With playful interludes and with the voice of an angel I thoroughly enjoyed how she led me through some profound inner journeys. I truly wish that many will reap the wonderful rewards of participating in this workshop.”
Wanda Hatfield
“This workshop is powerful and simply beautiful. I came away with tools that allow me to be with my experience, to bear witness to it, without judgment. It has helped me to listen to my feelings and allow them to inform me in my daily life. This is such an essential and helpful process.”
Alice Langley
“I am filled with gratitude for this wonderful workshop! It brought alive for me the divine presence of each emotion within; they become real for me and not simply an intellectual concept or interpretation. Above all, I felt the reality, as well as the mystery, of the divine guiding me from within through my feelingy.”
Emilio Portal
Would you like the authentic knowing of your heart to be your guide? Do you feel the call to align with your heart’s vision – your true compass?
We hear so much about “manifesting our dreams”. But how do you know if your dreams are in alignment with your heart’s vision and your true purpose? Many “dreams” are simply desires, born of a sense of lack, and will never create fulfilment – even if realized.
It is in revealing the authentic knowing of the heart, which is always aligned with the Divine, that you find true fulfilment and joy.
“I truly was amazed by the knowledge and clarity that emanated from my own heart. It was both sublime and practical.”
Join Prema Sheerin for this exploration, by a consecrated fire, in which you will:
You will take away practical ways to forge an abiding relationship with your heart and be guided by it’s wisdom.
“It is such a gift to realize that I have an endless wealth of knowing inside of me that I now have a tangible way of accessing.”
Click here to find out when and where the next program will be offered
The Peaceful Dying Project
What would you need to experience a peaceful death?
In traditional cultures, death was honored as one of the many sacred passages of life, a doorway ushering us into the realm of the ancestors. For those left behind, grieving was recognized as an essential part of this passage, honoring and letting go of the life that was and cleansing the way for new life to come.
In modern culture we have lost touch with this wise perspective on death. Fear and guilt, denial and confusion abound. This disconnection has led to alienation and tremendous suffering for those facing death as well as for those struggling to deal with the loss of loved ones.
How can we return to the perspectives and practices that allow us to relate to death in a balanced way? We can challenge the taboo of death as a “morbid” or “depressing” subject and speak honestly about our feelings and experiences of death. We can recognize death as a community experience as well as an individual journey. We can accept the strong emotions that arise in relation to death and allow them to move us through this powerful transition with grace and dignity.
Join Prema Sheerin for this experiential workshop in which you will:
What participants have said about the Peaceful Dying Project:
“This was the kindness act that i could do for myself! Our conversation about death and dying was all about life (and) since the workshop I have been more available to live this life!!!”
“Prema….guides people with ease, clarity, confidence and gentleness into territory that our culture seldom explores. She creates a very safe space for delving into both fear and grief and experiencing the beauty of feeling these emotions, for they bring us more deeply into life.”
“The Peaceful Dying Project….was so helpful in connecting me with my feelings and fears regarding death and allowing me to share and express them…. I realized that I don’t have to do this alone – that by involving my loved ones, the process becomes easier for everyone. I discovered that the thread of community and heartfelt relationship extends into all corners of life experience, including death”